Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The person who I admire

Charles Darwin:(12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882)
He was an English Naturalist who dedicates its life to study animals and there genetic, and is the father of the evolution, he also study many tipes of pants. He introduce the natural selection on his book "On the origin of species" which explain that all species have descended from a common ancestry, and the diversity of species is because the modification can be acumulated by the evolution through generation. He becames in a famous person thats why his ideas extended more than biological things and was the basis of eugenics and social darwinism, that where movements that people interpreted form his work.
I like him because he made a difference in the ancient evolution converting it in the modern one. I also admire him because he study so much with animals, that makes me think that he consider them very important in life, and he didn't follow the common thinking of that human is the only important animal in the earth. I think he is very important in my career because without him we woludn't understand so much things of animals, and maybe Veterinary medicine has never existed in the way it is today. I hope you enjoy my writing, and respect him as I do. Kisses, Bye.


  1. Charles Darwin:(12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882)
    He was an English Naturalist who dedicates WW its life to study animals and there genetic, and is the father of the evolution, he also TENSE study many SP tipes of pants. He TENSE introduce the natural selection on his book "On the origin of species" which SVA explain that all species have descended from a common ancestry, and the diversity of species is because the modification can be SP acumulated by the evolution through generation. He WF becames in a famous person thats why his ideas extended more than biological things and was the basis of eugenics and social darwinism, that where movements that people interpreted form his work.
    I like him because he made a difference in the ancient evolution converting it in the modern one. I also admire him because he TENSE study so WW much with animals, that makes me think that he TENSE consider them very important in life, and he didn't follow the common thinking of that human is the only important animal in the earth. I think he is very important in my career because without him we SP woludn't understand so much things of animals, and maybe Veterinary medicine has never existed in the way it is today. I hope you enjoy my writing, and respect him as I do. Kisses, Bye.

    well done! I agree with you he was an extremely important person for history.

  2. i like him! His work was an important key to understand the evolution!
    See you! kisses!

  3. his the responsable of many of the things we stdy
